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Desiring to avenge him- self, he begged the man's help to punish the stag, which the man promised him if he Avould take bit and bridle of him and let him mount him javelins in hand. The bargain struck, the man got on liis back ; but the horse immediately found that he had re- ceived not vengeance on the stag but servitude to the man.

Sclienkl Herm. You are bridled now by choosing a dictator ; if you give him a bodyguard and allow him to get on your back, you will quickly find yourselves the slaves of Phalaris. Stesichorus son of Euphemus the lyric poet was a Mataurine by birth. Stesicliorus son of Euphemus, the Himeraean.

Himerius Declamations : Sicllian Himera is not only freed of tyrants but adorned witli words, by Stesi- chorus. Great men were they indeed Thales and Hipparchus , great beyond mortal greatness, to have grasped the law of these mightv hnninaries and freed tlie miserable human mind from the appreliension it felt, at their eclipse, of crimes or a death ; an apprehension expressed, we know, by the sublime lips of poets Uke Stesichorus and Pindar when they saw an eclipse of the sun.

Photius Le. Another exj lanation is, that when Aletes, in obedience to an oracle, made Corinth a city he established the citizens in eight tribes and the city in eight parts. In date he is latev than the lyric poet Alcman, for he was born in the 37th Ohanpiad u. He had two brothers, one Mamertinus - a geometer, and the other Helianax a hiwgiver. He was a lyric poet. His poems are in the Doric dialect and in 26 Books.

This encomium is known as the Palinodc. He was called Stesichorus because lie first set up choruses of singers to the lyre, his original name being Teisias. These thought to be recovering the fome and fortune of their fathers by gathering in the new town the ancestral embelhshments of the okl. Among these was a number of bronze statues, ia- chiding one of Himera herself, represented in the shape and dress of a woman, bearing the name of the town and the river upon which it stood, and also a statue of Stesichorus as an old man bending over a book, a masterpiece of art, they teil us, representing a man who dwelt indeed at Himera, but enjoyed through liis genius a great and still living reputation iri every part of Greece, Greek Iiiscnptions : A fragment of a herm found at Tibur : Stesichorus son of Eucleides of Himera.

Athenaeus Docfors at Dinner see Simonides Lijc below. Rather was there Stesichorus before hini, and Archilochus ; and more than all these Plato, who drew off rills innumerable from that Homeric spring. While he makes his mark witli the same superior characteristics as both the aforesaid authors Pindar and Simonides , he succeeds where they are wanting, and that is in the grandeur of the setting of his theme, in which he always has an eye to the characters and stations of his dramulis pcrsonae.

The Same : Ofthe others, those who practised the same golden mean may indeed appear to come a long way behind Homer when compared with him, but if they are examined on their own merits will be found worthy of study. Amoug lyric poets I would in- stance Stesichorus and Alcaeus, among writers of 1 cf. Dio Chrys. Stesichorus quam sit ingenio validus materiae quoque ostendunt, maxima bella et clarissimos canentem duces et epici carminis onera lyra sustinentem.

For it would be well-nigh impossible to find better exponents than these of" the art of composition. Quintilian Elemeiits of Oratory : Among the nine lyric poets Pindar stands easily first. The strength of Stesichorus' genius is shown among other things by his subject-matter.

He sings of great wars and famous chieftains, sustaining all tlie weight of epic poetry witli a lyre. Indeed he gives his characters the dignity that belongs to them both in speech and action, and if he liad only kept within proper bounds might well have been counted a good second to Homer ; but he is redundant and extrava- gant, though indeed these are the faults of a well- stored mind.

Compare Aelian : ' If it is just for the man of Himera to raise his eyes to Homer. Athenaeus Dociors at Dinner : Cliamaeleon in liis treatise On Slesichorus declares that not only Homer's verse was sung to music, but that of Hesiod and Archilochus, and even that of Mimnermus and Phocylides.

Macarius Paroem. See also Serv. Suidas Lexicon : The three of Stesicliorus :. And when the ancients wanted to abuse an uncultivated man they said that he didn't know even the three of Stesichorus. UQ, Philod. Kepdffffas ' mss aAios : Kaib. The cows which he tended were sisters of the cattle of the Sun, of which Homer tells in the Odyssey. And while hc watched tiiem in Sicily, one of the Nymplis fell in love witli him and had him for her mate, as well she might, seeing that he was both a liandsome lad and then ' making tlie first hair to liis lip,' whicla, as Homer says, ' is the fairest season of 3'outli ' in a person with good looks.

And more, she made a covenant with him tliat lie would have to do with no other woman, threatening him witli the certain loss of his sight if he should break his word. So it was agreed ; but some tinie after, a king's daughter falling in love with him, he broke the covenant wlien he was overcome with wine.

From tliis story arose tlie Bucolic songs or lays of herdsmen, having for tlieir theme the blinding of Daphnis. The first composer of such songs was Stesichorus of Himera. Tovrov 5' iirrh 'NvfJ. Sias reprretv avTr]v Sia pep6vrciis. Here too some of the fruits of eultivationgrowof theinselves, vines in profusion and apples in an incredible plenty.

Indeed a Carthaginian army once lived on this country when they had otherwise starved to death, these highlands coming to their aid with a limitless and inexhaustible supply of food. Brought up by the Nymphs, this Daphnis came to be master of immense herds of cattle, which were his incessant care ; whence his name of Neatherd. It is further said tliat Daphnis attended Artemis on her hunting with mucli pleasure to tlie Goddess, delighting her with his pipe and his pastoral melodies.

And Ave are told that one of the Nymphs, who fell in love wdth hini, warned him tliat if he had to do with any other woman he would lose his sight, anil that being made drunk and led astray by some princess, he lost it as the Nymph had foretold.

Having found some fault with her at the beginning of his poem the Helen, he went away [from the performance] blind, and then when, realising the cause of his misfortune, he composed what is called the Palinodc or Jlecantation, she restored him his sight. Scholiast on Euripides Orestcs ['Conspicuous for blame M-erc all the daugliters begotten of Tyndareiis, and of ill- repute througliout all xreece']: According to Stesichorus, when Tyndareiis was sacriticing to the Gods lie forgot Aphrodite, and for this the 4oddess made his daughters twice-wed, thrice-wed, and husbtind-forsakers.

Vurtheim p. And on this account Euphorion of Chalcis and Alexander of Pleuron in their epic pcelrj-, and Stesichorus of Himera before them, all declare that the Argives hold Iphigeneia to have been the daughter of Theseus.

And when soon afterwards she was carried oft' by Paris, they joined the expedition because of thcir oaths. The storj- is told by Stesichorus. IS tovto rb flSvWiov iinypa. I will expiate niy sin whether you ask of me a hecatombof oxen or, sung by a lying lute, would fain be a golden constellation walking modest and maiden you! Now I know that I, like liim, have to fight with shadows. Tliose to whom mj' words will apply are not present, and therefore in a sense my words become vain and empty, although at the same time it is certain that they will be true and to the poiut.

For it is obvious that the fault is not nor ever can, savc the mark, be mine, but rather lies with the entire and inveterate apathy of these gentlemen themselves. Now the precedent for expiation for ainners in mythology goes back, not indeed to Homer, but to Stesichorus, who when blinded for slandering Helen did not, like Homer, wonder why, but like a true scholar recognised the reason for what had befallen him and witliout more ado wrote ' This story ' etc.

I spake vanities, and I will go seek another prelude. This story is not true ; thou wentest not in the benched ships, thou camest not to the city of Troy.

STrjfrtxopos 8e naTpdia rhv KaTo. And Stesichorus uses iraTpoi? Stuart-Jones Cat. TraiSl KvKvcf. Scholiast on Pindar Olipnpians [' the fight with Cycnus turned even the conquering Heraoles about '] : The great Heracles was turned about or gave ground in his fight with Cycnus because Cycnus was set on by Ares.

The cause of Heracles' fighting him was his inliospitality ; for he lived in the Pass of Thessaly and belieaded travellers in order to buikl a temple to Apollo wiili their heads, and when Heracles came that way was for serving liim the same.

Upon their joining battle Heracles took to flight because Ares aided the youthful Cycnus. Bnt afterwards Heracles killed him like the rest of his enemies. It is an ' intermixture ' [or mingling of the author's words with another's] which has escaped notice. The passage is very neatly done and the original is by Stesichorus. Come, Miise, thrust wars away, and with nie in honour of a wedding of Gods and a feast of men and eke a merrymaking of the Blest. A 37, 38 Scholiast on the same later [' Such roundelays of the fa.

Such roundelays of the fair-tressed Graces must we find out a geutle Phrygian tune to sing, at the Spring- thiie's cominff in. VoL Hcrc. According to Stesichorus in the Scylla, Scylla was tlie daughter of Lamia. It was a poem of Stesichorus in which a maiden called Calyce prayed to Aplirodite that she might be wedded to a youth called Euathlus, and when he flouted her threw herself over a clifl".

The scene was laid near Leucas. The poet gave the maideu a very virtuous cliaracter ; for she had no Avish that she and the youth shouhl conie together at all hazards, but prajed that she might if j ossible be his wedded wife, or failing that might die. For the poet tells how Rhadine when wedded to a despot at Corinth sailed froni Samos thither with a soutli-west wind certainly not the lonianSamos ; andwitli the samewindher brother arrived at the liead of a sacred mission at Delphi ; moreover her cousin- lover goes off after her to Corinth in a chariot, and the despot kills them both and sends tlie bodies back in a chariot, though indeed he repents and recalls it, and buries them.

Stesichorus raises the proper cry in the words : Conie hither, Calliope the sweet and clear. II, 5. Stesichorus uses it to mean ' vigorous' : and they launched the slender javehns. W KaWoL tSiv rra. This man, who went sickle in iiand M'itli tlie pitcher on his shoulder, found wiien he reached tlie place an eagle held so irresistibly in Ihe coils of a snake that he must very soon be crushed to death.

His unlooked for task accomplished, the countryman filled his pitcher, and going back, mixed the wine and lianded it round to the company, who all drained both their first cups before the nieal and many more along with it, he biding his turn, being for that time as it happened servingman and not guest. But no sooner had he raised cup to lip, than the eagle he had saved, being as hick would have it still near by and willing to make him good relurn for his service, swoops on the cup, knocks it over, and wastes the drink.

The poor fellow, who had been verj' thirsty, cried out in anger, ' You are the bird I saved'for he reeognised hini. Here's a foul end to a fair deed! How shall anj- man now trouble himself for another out of fear of the Ciod of thanks? It seems that the snake had voided his vomit in the spring and fouled it with his venom, and tlie eagle had returned like with like and saved his saviour.

Crates of Pergamum declares that this tale is told in a little-known poem of Stesichorus, which ia my opinion is high and anciont authority. Stesichorus too ascribes the poem to Hesiod. TpaTrhv' cpaffKovras. Nevertheless, the story of Stesichorus is incorrect, and with regard to Pindar we do not know if what he did was successful in putting, a stop to the party strife. But if either was the fact, it was done rather by words poetically arranged than by poetry, and they would have met with even greater success if they had employed prose.

The story is told by Stesichorus. Th XiTTOi. Triaixdpf- ovk Ttl 5e r, ipoovr] KaTO. It is therefore necessary to e. PpvWixtcrTai, Poll. M, Lelongs to Ibye. Tuv, Pliot. Homer uses it of battle, whereas in Ibycus 66 and Stesi- chorus it means spear-head 96 Eustathius on tlie Odyssey : Stesichorus uses the superlative most high-minded of men 97 Timaeus in Athenaeus Boctors at Dinner [on Democles the tlatterer of Dionysius the Yoimger] :.

TvcpAoTfpos a nra. Gl Ibycus carminum scriptor agnos- citiir. TOU5 '! He was of an extremely amorous disposition, and was the inventor of the instrument called sanihuca, whicli is a kind of three-cornered lyre.

His works are in seven Books written in the Doric dialect. Some time afterwards one of the robbers saw some cranes in the city and cried, ' Look! Whereupon they were convicted and forthwith executed, not indeed that they were punislied by the cranes, but rather com- ]ielled by their own garrulity as by some Fury or Doom-Goddess to confess to the murder they had committed.

Even Aegisthus who slew tlie bard " in olden days escaped not the eye of tlie sable-robed Eumcnides. A proverb used of fooHsh persons. For Ibycus, when he miglit liave reigned as a despot over his fellow- citizens, went away to live in lonia. Yet to judge from liis works they all were surpassed in this matter by Ibycus of Rhegium. And the love of all these poets was the sensual love.

GOl quotes J'r. S8Se [tt. I swear his approach makes me tremble like an old champion- horse of tlie chariot-race when he draws the swift car all unwillingly to the contest. TXVP-- Ars Gram. Tnopevoi, AeA. V ilpr]jxivr v. SS -ov: rrpooeSeyfx. In the form Cadmeis therefore the e is pleonastic, and when Ibycus says : he lay with a Cadmid maiden, lie uses the correct form. And thus niost of the mathematicians say that the word is used of raindrops. Pearson Soph, Fi-ag. Strabo GeograpJiy [on islands that have become peninsidas.

Phaech: C, Suid. Report hath it that Prometheus stole the fire, and this tale says that Zeus fiew into a rage and gave those who told him of the theft a charm to avert old age. I understand that the recipients of tliis charm put it upon an ass, aiid the ass went on before with his pack, and growing tliirstyfor it was summertimebetook himself to a spring to get him drink.

But the snake that guarded tliat spring checlied hia advance, and would have driven him off had he not twisted his head about and bought his friendship with the only gift lie had to liand, tlie cliarm he carried on liis back.

The bargain is struck. The ass drinlis ; the snake sloughs his okl age, receiving, they say, the ass's thirst to boot. Well now ; is tliis tale of my own making? No, I cannot claim that for mine whicli was told before me by Sophocles the tragedy-writer, Deinoloehus the rival of Epicliarmus, Ibycus of Rhegium, and Aristeas and Apollophanes the writers of comedy.

Wallis Ojk Malh. V Tis twv aneLpciiv ij. There may well be one with a motith greedy of strife who shall rouse battle aeainst me. Ibycus there adds how the Dawn carried otF Titlionus. Ibj-cus speaking of the pillars that support heaven calls them paSivol slender instead of ' very great.

Ap, Rh. Scholiast on Euripides Andromache ['j'0u slew not the woman when she was in j'0ur power, but when you saw her breast you cast away your sword and received her kiss, fondling a treachei'ous she-dog '] : This has been better arranged by Ibycus, who makes Helen take refuge in the temple of Aphrodite and parley thence with Menelaus, who thereupon drops his sword for love of her. On the coast of tlie Adriatic there is a holy island called Diomedeia in which he is worshipped as a God ; compare Ibycus Recognition of their identity is first made by Ibycus of Rhegiuni.

Thus Herodian. Il id. So Ibycus is wrong in using the word Ai0va ptyfvi i Libya-born 63 Scholiast on ApoUonius of Rhodes Argonautica [' in goat- pelts clad']: that is ' skins,' whence comes arfpcpiSxTai 'to cover with hide ' ; and Ibycus says hide-clad host for an army that wears skins.

G6 Sub. XV ayr. FotI oi IBYCUS children of Pi-iani with the taking of Troy the high-gatedj for all 'tis so glorious a thenie ; nor shall I recount the proud valour of the Heroes, the Heroes so noble whom the hollow ships with their nailed sides brought unto Troy for her mischief, of whom Agamemnon was chief, the Pleisthenid king, the leader of men, the son of a noble father, to wit of Atreus.

Theirs it is to share beauty for ever, and thine, too, Polycrates, shall be a glory, even as my glory in song, unfading. It is tlie birthplace of the Iju-ic poet Anacreon, in wliose time the inhabitants left their city and founded Abdera in Thrace because they would not endure the Persian yokewhence the saying : ' Abdera, fair new home of them of Teos,'though indeed some of the Teians returned in hiter days.

Aristoxenus Hislories : Approximately years are represented as having elapsed between the Trojan War and the times of the physical philosopher Xenophanes, of Anacreon and Polycrates, and of the blockade of lonia by Harpagus the Persian and the migration of the Phocaeans to Marseilles to escape it. Eusebius Chronicle : Second year of the 62nd Olympiad n.

He wrote elegiac and iambic poems, all in the lonic dialect. He was contemporary with Polycrates tyrant of Samos, that is, of the 62nd Olympiad, though some authorities put him in the time of Cyrus and Cambyses, that is, in the 65th b. His life was devoted to love and song. He wrote drinking-songs and iambics and the poems called Anacreontea. The former by fortune and power became so great as to rule the seas.

Under his roof hved the lyrist Anacreon, whose poetry abounds with references to him. Now the elder Polycrates was not only king of Samos but ruled all the inner seas of Greece. The indignant nurse con- tented herself with expressing a pious wish that the very scoundrel who now cursed the child should Uve to praise him in still stronger termswhich indeed was the fact ; for the God heard her prayer and, the child growing to be the lovely Cleobulus, Anacreon expiated a little curse with manifold praise.

This he did in order to educate liis fellow-citizensand make them loyal subjects, because he believed, hke a true man of culture, that wit and wisdom should never be despised. Plato Charmides : I hardly beheve that anybody in 1 cf. The fame of your father's family, the house of Critias son of Dropides, has come down to us crowned with the praises accorded it by Anacreon, Solon, and many other poets for the beauty, the virtue, and the pi-osperity as it is called, of those who have belonged to it ; the same is true of yoiir mothers.

Never shall love of thee, Anacreon, grow old or die, so long as serving-lad bears round mixed wine for cups and deals bumpers about board, so long as maiden band does holy night-Iong service of the dance, so long as the scale-pan that is daughter of bronze sits upon the summit of the cottabus-pole ready for the throwing of the wine- drops. Near Xanthippus stands Anacreon of Teos, the first poet excepting Sappho of Lesbos to make his chief theme love. The statue represents him as one singing in his cups.

TraiScov Xfiepov jjpfioaaTO. For his sweet dehghtful music he forgetteth not, nay, givetli that lyre of his no rest even there in death. Declaniations : Sappho and Anacreon never cease to call upon Cypris as a sort of prehide to their poems. The Same : Anacreon adorns the city of Teos with his poems and thence derives his loves. Athenaeus Doclors at D'mner [on drinking-songs] : Compare what Aristophanes says in the Banqneters, ' Take and sing me a drinking-song of Alcaeus or Anacreon.

Cicero Tiisculan Disputaiions : Anacreon's poetical works are entirely erotic. The Same [on fr. Seneca Letters to Lucilius : The grammarian Didymus wrote four thousand books. I should pity him if he had merelv read so many useless works. The list includes treatises in Avhicli he discusses tlie birthplace of Homer, the true mother of Aeneas, whetlier Anacreon was more of a rake than a sot, whether Sappho was a prostitute, and other questions the answers to which you ought to forget if you knew them.

And then people complain that Hfe is short. Walz 6. LaTa to. Athenaeus Docf. O lad that lookest in maiden wise, I seek thee and thou hearkenest not, little knowing that the reins of my soul are in thy hand. Schneider, but ois, ci. Trap" 'AvaKpeoyTi-? Poseidon is the ' cause ' comprising the sea, being the cause of 'drinking' ttoo-is owing to the rivers and other waters whicli spring forth after percolating from the sea, with which ' drinking ' is connected the rain, itself 'drinkable' [tz6tiixos ; and that is why in Attic the montli of the winter solstice is called Poseideon ; compare Anacreon : Lo!

Scholiast on Dionysius Periegetes :. Tartessus which Anacreon calls all-happy, for that Arganthonius reigned there. Tf : cf. Compare Anacreoii : and oft loud-shouting Deunysus The i becoming gives Deonysus, which is the Samian foimand by contraction Deunysus, like Theodotns Theudotus. TTriv tuv Kpoiaov rraTepa. Compare Anacreon in the first Book : Lo! Hesych, Soph. I cHmb up and dive from the White Cliff into the hoary wave, drunken with love. E: ni. Ar, Av. Lucian TTic Gallic fferrulcs: But when I remember that aged Heracles I begin to feel reckless and lose all shame to be doing such things at the statue"s time of life ; so strength and swiftness and beauty and all other bodily advantages niay go hang, and 3'our Love-God, poet of Teos, may ' fly by me,' etc.

Light-winged I fly to Olympus to fetch master Love ; for lo I he will not play Avith me as he used to do, but he has seen that my beard is getting grey now, and so he flies by me in the wind of his golden- shining wings.

And that is why Honier calls Argos ' much-thirsted-after ' as being much desired owing to lapse of time [to the absent Greeks]. And so too Sophocles says. The same sort of thing is said by Anacreon, and possibly there is a reference to it here. Anacreon says : nor in those days did Persuasion shine all silver. I should live to see my country in misery ; Anaereon. For Anacreon lived some time at Athens at the time of his passion for Critias, and took delight in the lyrics of Aeschyhis.

This passage resembles in rhythm : And will you not suffer me to go honie drunk? B' 45 Ath. In the second Book of his Lyric Foems we read : For ten months now has Megistes crowned him- self, dear heart, with osier and drunk the honey- sweet must. Love like a smith has smitten me with a great hammer and soused me in the chill stream.

Indeed he was actually a rival in love to the poet Anacreon, and in a fit of i-age cut his beloved's hair off. Aelian Hisioriml Miscellanies: Anacreon did not take upon himself to accuse Polycrates with coolness and determina- tion, but siiifted tlie blame to tlie beloved, in M'ords in which he upbraided his rashness and ignorance in taking arms against his own hair.

But the poem on the disaster to the hair must be sung by Anacreon ; for he will sing it him. Favoi'inus in Stobaeus Aidhulogy [against beauty]: And therefore Anacreon would seem to be ridiculous and captious in blaming the lad for liaving cut off soms of liis hair, in the words : You have shorn a faultless flower of soft hair, [arming your own hand against your tresses].

TfTaKTat he Kapa. ZrjvSSoTos Se fj. The word o-eico ' to shake ' occurs also iu the form o-ico, which is used by Anacreon, for instance: tossing [your] Thracian locks Hephaestion Randhook of Mefre [on the lonicum a minore] : Of the trimeter the acatalectic. Charax PhiloK Baccliants prancing: o? Heylbut Ilcrmes 18S7 p.

Avitli an e means ' cattle-lifting' ; compare Homer JJiad 'A niightily abunda. For it is not an elegiac really, but the first part is a dactylic and the second an iambic, since it has two iambic feet and a syllable, so that the words cpiAfO ov togetlier make a short and one long. T' 69 Stob.

There is left me but a short span of sweet life. And so I often make my moan for fear of the underworld. For dire is the dark hold of death, and grievous the way down thither ; and morCj tis sure that once down there's no coming up. Kapwv]- tov 5s wepl to. He is in love with all who are beautiful and praises them all. His poems are full of the hair of Smerdis, the eyes of Cleobulus, and the jouthful bloom of Bathyllus. Yet mark even iu this his powers of restraint : and I long to play witli you ; you liave such pretty ways ; and again : To be just and fair is a good tliing in lovers ; and I am sure he has revealed his art at once in the lines : For as for me, the children can but love me for my words and my tunes, seeing that I sing pretty things and know how to say pretty things.

Lsd' h rhv oivov. Conipare Anacreon : Bring water, lad, bring wine, bring me garlands of flowers ; aye, bring them hither ; for I would try a bout with Love. OTi 5e payus eAeyjy rovs fiapus Kal peyos rh pifj. U7VZ [' Dido. I would have you to know I could bridle you right well and take rein and ride you about the turning-post of the course. But instead you graze in the meadows and frisk and froHc to your heart's content ; for you have not a clever breaker to ride you.

ApostoL TpoxaiKnv]- koI twv a. V 5 to Terpa- fj. Well, shall we niake use now of Euripides, Theages? It is he, I think, who says ' Kiugs know tlieir art through converse witli the knowing. Weil then, shall I tell you the answer? Please do. You know the poem, don't you? Theag, Yes. Soph Ant. TpvcpTis]- Xa,u3fA6iii' 5' 6 rijvTi. Troij Kv. Phitarch Against thc Stoics : So when they are thirsty they have no need of water, nor when hungry of bread : Ye are like kind guests who need but roof and fire.

Zenobius Proverhs : It is said tliat the Carians when at war with Darius the Persian, iii obedience to an old oracle biddiiig them take the bravest of men for their allies, went to Branchidae and asked the God there if they should seek alliance with Miletus ; whereupon he replied : There was a time when the Milesians were brave men : but the line occurs earlier in Anacreon. Hence the proverb. Gaisf, merum ed. I both love and love not, and am niad yet not mad. Ky - 6 aKiva. Kr]s Kiva.

Some authorities say it means stubborn and it is used so by Anacreon. It is Attic. P ied. Suhliine :. Most produotive and fruitful [of such an effect? And Aiiacreon says the saine : The lyre is near to Aegid Theseus. Anacreon calls her 'all-given' and ' people-trodden,' and mad-tail?

Sonie authorities say that Aethopia means ' wine,' otliers ' Artemis. Tpofpiv]- Ko. DUincr [on meals] : Telemachus' tables remained before the guests full during the whole of the entertainment as is still the custom among many Barbarian nations, overspread with all manner of good things as Anacreon says. So Anacreon of the woman lie loved. Pro quo tam felici ouiine, praesertim quia et victoria consecuta est, in signis liellicis sibi aquilam auream fecit, tutelaeque suae virtuti dedicavit, unde et apud Romanos liuiuscemodi signa tracta suiit.

Miller Mil. Zenobius Provrrbs : ' Prouder than Peleus of liis sword ' :. Somc autliorities say tliat lie wrote the story of Circe and Penelope ' loving the same man. Od, 1. Paus : niss oItos ' cf. J ayddri;j. MeAavBov r? IG-i Eiist. Orion This man, who had been expelled from Athens, despite h. No, no ; just Hsten, and you'll under- stand. One day Lasus and Simonides were in for the chorus-prize, and when it was all over Lasus exclaimed 'I don't mind a bit. Tlieon Smyrn. Lasus of Hermione is said.

For it was at Corintli that the dancing-chorus first appeared, and the originator of it was Arion of Methymna, who was foUowed by Lasus of Hermione. He was the first writer on 1 cf. And one day, by way of a joke, he purloined a fish froni sonie fishermen, and gave it to one of the bystanders, and tlien took a solemn oath that he neitlier had it himself nor knew that anybody else had taken it ; which he was able to do because he liad taken it himself and another nian liad it, and this man had his instructions to swear that lie neither liad taken it himself nor knew that anybody else liad itwhich he in Hke manner could do because he had it and Lasus had taken it.

Plutarch False Shame : Tliis disease, then, being the cause of many ills, it behoves us to eradicate by treatment. Suppose, for instance, a fellow-guest asks you to play dice over the wine. Do not be put out of countenance or be afraid you are being made fun of, but imitate Xenophanes, who when Lasus of Hermione called him a coward for refusing to phiy dice with him, agreed that he was a coward, and a great coward, over unseemly things. See also Tz.

Prol Lyc. Aud ihat is why the Aeolians are so given to wine, women, and luxurious living. Aacros 5 51s eiTTa Ae-yei. Lasus gives her seven of either sex. The Same Xatiiral History: The young'of the lj'nx, also, seem to be lcnown as tkvjxvoi ' whelps. Uatdv Porph. These lie as though tlirown down beside her feet, and slie lierself is looking at a helmet which she holds in her hand and is about to put upon her head.

Telesilla was famous among women for her poetry, but still more famoiis for the following achievement. Her fellow-citizens had sustained an indescribable disaster at the hands of tlie Spartans under Cleomenes son of Anaxandrides.

Some had fallen in the actual battle, and of the others, who took sanctuary in the grove of Argus, some had at first ventured out under a truce only to be slaughtered, and the rest reaUsing the enemy's treachery had stayed behind only to be burnt to death when he fired the grove. Bv these means Cleomenes, proceeding to Argos, led liis Lacedae- monians against a city of women. MiiL Virt. Now this battle had been foretold by the Pythian priestess, and Herodotus, whether he understood it or not;, quotes the oracle as follows : When male by female 's put to flight And Argos' name with honour 's bright, Many an Argive wife shall show Both cheeks marred with scars of woe.

This woman, we are told, though the daughter of a doughty line, was of a sicklv habit of body, and sent one day to the God to enquire how she might improve lier liealth. When his reply came that she must pay court to the Miises, she obeyed him by devoting herself to poetiy and music, and with such good effect that before very long she had both rid herself of her disorder and become the wonder of her fellow- countrywomen for her skill in poesy.

Those of the reference to tlie heroism of T. The battle took place according to some writers on the seventh, according to others on the fii'st, of the month which is now reckoned the fourth and was known anciently at Argos as the month of Hermes; and oix this day the Argives still celebrate the Hybristica or Feast of Outrage, in which they dress women in the shirts and cloaks of men, and men in the robes and wimples of women. Acconling to Plnt.

See also Hdt. Waivos Se eiVi vaol Tpe7s K3. Nine Muses came of the great Heaven, and nine likewise of the Earth, to be a joy iindying unto mortal nien. The fornier name they have learnt from the Argives, wliose countrj-, according to Telesilla, was the tirst district of Greece in which Pythacus, Mho was a favourite of Apollo, arrived. Nio3;5aii']- eVtie? K0 TfJ. Apollodorus Library [on tlie children of Niobe] : The only son saved was Amphion and the only daughter Chloris, the eldest, who had become the wife of Neleus, thougli accord- ing to Telesilla the survivors were Amyclas and Meliboea, Amphion perishing with the rest.

Tt]v 'lovXlSa. There appears to have been a law liere, mentioned by Menander in the hnes ' The Cean custom takes my fancy still, The man who can't live well shall not live ill,' whereby, in order to make the suppHes go round, all citizens who had reaclied the age of sixty shoukl drink tlie hemlock.

Sta TO 7;Si;. Hipparchus, the eldest and wisest of the sons of Peisistratus, who among other fine ways showed his wisdom. Suidas Le. He was born in tlie 56th Olympiad b. He wrote the following works in the Doric dialect :. Paa: EP. This Simonides had a very remarkable memory. Aristophanes Birds: Poet: Fve written some lyrics to your Cloudcuckooborough, a lot of fine dithyrambs and some maiden-songs, and.

The Same JVasps see on Lasus p. He's all right ; but there's something remark- able happening to him. Whafs that? Hes changing into Simonides. I mean that now that he's old and off colour he'd go to sea on a hurdle to earn a groat.

Hiheh Pap. Richards C. Stobaeus AntJiologij : When Simonides was asked why at his advanced age he was so careful of his money, he repHed, ' It is because I should rather leave money for enemies when I die than stand in need of friends while I Hve ; for I know too well how few friendships last. By tliis he implies the possession of great riches, so as to be able to feed many retainers.

By ' the great Ceian ' he means Simonides, who wrote victory-songs and dirges for the aforesaid great Thessalians. Life below VOL, According to Simonides the word is the image of tlie thing. Aristides On tlie E.

Simonides gives harmful advice when he says we should play all our lives and never be entirely in earnest. Simplicins atZ loc. Indeed, when Simonidcs of Ceos made an improper request of liim during the time of his command, he retorted that he would not be a good minister of state if he put favour before law, any more than Simonides would be a good poet if he sang out of tune. I believe that the truth is that Simonides, of whom tradition speaks not only as a delightful poet but in all respects a wise and learned man, despaired of the true answer because so many subtle definitions occurred to him that he could not decide among them.

But not a blow was struck, and the war came to nothing. For we are told that the lyric poet Simonides came up in the nick of time and reconciled the two kings. Alexander of A] hrodisias on Ihe passage : These words will be clear to any reader who has been told what is meant by the Aoyo? This would seem to be characteristic of foreign birth and lack of educa- tion. Pindar Oliimpians : Skilled is the man who knoweth much by nature ; they that have but learnteven as a pair of crows, gluttonous in their wordiness, these chatter vain things against the divine bird of Zeus.

Scholiast on the passage : He hints at Bacchylides and Simonides, calling himself an eagle and his rlvals crows. Simonides often employs digression. Indeed he tells us himself that lie imitates the musical stvle of Pindar and Simonides and, generally, what is now called the ancient style.

Longinus the Rhetorician : Simonides and many after him have pointed out paths to remembrance, counselling us to compare images and localities in order to remember names and eventSj but there is nothing more in it than the concatenation and co- observation of the apparently new with what is similar to it. Cicero 0? Plutarch Should Old Men Govern? Simonides won the chorus prize in his old age. At that spot the city was taken. Scholiast on Aristophanes JVasps [' mind you take up the catch properly']: It was an old custom for guests at table to continue where tlie first singer left ofF.

The guest w ho began held a sprig of bay or myrtle and sang a lyric of Simonides or Stesichorus as far as he chose, and then handed the sprig to another, making his choice of a successor with no regard to the oi'der in which the guests were seated.

Athenaeus Doclors at Dinncr :. Suidas Lexicon : Palaephatus : An Fjgyptian, or according to some authorities, an Athenian ; gram- marian ; wrote Argumcnts or introductions to the works of Sinionides. Palatine Anthologij : The Garland of Meleager :.

Catullus :. Dionysius of Hahcarnassus Criliquc of the Ancicnt JVritcrs : You should note in Simonides liis clioice of words and his nicety in combining them ; moreoverand here he surpasses even Pindarhe is remarkable for his expression of pity not by employing the grand style but by appealing to the emotions. Quintilian Guidc to Oratorij [the Nine Lyric Poets] : Simonides, though in other respects not a command- ing figure, may be praised for his choice of exjires- sion and for a certain sweetness ; but his ehief excellence lies in his pathos ; indeed some critics LYRA GRAECA quidam in hac eum parte omnibus eius operis auctoribus praeferant.

See also Heph. Hiero, Villois. KaKMS ovv prjiri. Kal yap Kal irapa Si. Ancl so tlie Colchian fleece ouglit not to be callcd vqlkos, and Sinioaitles is wrong in this. Simonides sometimes calls it white aiid somelinies purple. And indeed in Simonides' account the clothini; is tlie orize. U eVf! The story is given by Simonides in tlie Prayers. Oreitliyia was the daughter of Erechtheus whom tlie Northwind carried ofi"from Attica to Tiirace, there to beget on her Zetes aad Calais, as Simonides tells in the Sca-Fijhf.

TreT r The Same Eclogues : For now desiring to call the wind in poetic wise, but being unable to utter poetic speech, I would fain call the wind according to the Ceian Muse. Kitrtnoi oi 'S. Miller Mvl. The acropolis was called the ilemnonium, and the Susians are known as Cissian, a title whicli Aeschyhis gives to tlie niother of Memnon ; moreover Memnon is said to liave been buried near Paltus in Syria, on the banks of tlie river Badas, as is tohl by Simonides in his Dithyramb Memnon inchided aniong the Dcliaca.

SaTov [which usually are applied to sheep or goats. UiTTanelov, Arist. TiTpdyu vos, Arist. Adam : Plat. Se kuI tovs 6eoi B : Pl. My praise and friendship is for all them that of themselves earn no disgrace : even Gods figlit not against necessity I am no faultfinder ; enough for me is he that is not good nor yet too exceeding wicked, that knoweth that Right whicli aideth cities, a sound man.

Him will I never blame. Koi fjir 5eu Ka. Xfirwv perh. Such burial neither shall Decay darken, nor Time the all-vanquisher bedim. U 2S9 VOL. Ai'TLO ov Aristid. VliiK Soc. Compare Sinionides in tlie Dirges.


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