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He seemed to draw it out almost unbearably, and it also felt to me as if he was embellishing the original story a bit. The whole thing seemed like actiony rubbish, though I personally actually quite enjoyed the swinging, shooting, swordfighting ninja elves and the bit of romance.

I almost missed it on the big screen because of the mediocrity of the first two films. But I was glad, oh so glad that I actually did go and see it. The cinematics, acting and editing was all very well done, but it was the screenwriting and directing that really shone.

Here we saw a story of courage and cowardice; of generosity; of greed and avarice; of greatness of soul and of smallness of soul; of love; of selflessness; of brotherhood; of hatred; of humanity; of pain; of sacrifice; of struggle; of moral and spiritual victories; of sadness and loss, but above all, of triumph of the soul.

Yes, The Battle of the Five Armies is certainly something that does Tolkien justice at the very least, and what a joy it was to behold on the big screen. The movies also taught us that dwarves CAN be hot!

View all 51 comments. I have an odd relationship with The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings due to my feelings of the movie adaptations. As for The Hobbit , I was reluctant to read the book because I disliked the movie adaptation.

Afte 2. After finally reading this for the first time, I can safely say that I still dislike the movies, and I felt more or less indifferent about the book. This will be a short review; I have nothing new to offer.

The Hobbit is a book targeted for kids and, in my opinion, it certainly read like one. Reading this for the first time, it felt like there was a complete lack of tension throughout the entire book. The Hobbit is a classic and I can totally understand why it became one. I will definitely consider reading this to my kids one day. I have no idea whether the decrease in enjoyment of the book was caused because of me watching the movies first or not, it might be.

But overall, I just felt more or less indifferent about The Hobbit , which I guess is arguably even worse than disliking it. Thankfully, this was a short read. You can order the book from: Book Depository Free shipping You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions View all 49 comments.

Mar 20, Fares rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites. Gosh, that last chapter. And you can start celebrating the updates are over. Oh I'm hilarious. Tolkien is a legend, The Hobbit is a legend and Bilbo Baggins is a legend. Hero, or as I said legend are words associated in our minds with pictures of smart strong characters, with someone who spent a life in training or maybe a chosen one destined to change the world. I think Bilbo managed to be this unusual yet relatable hero, because of how human he was in this inhumanly world, how nice he was or at least tried to be to Gandalf and the Dwarves even when they made him uncomfortable and how he saved them even when they needed saving from themselves.

The movies were darker, they were more about war but the book was more about the journey. This is probably the only time a movie has been bigger than the book but to be fair the movies built the story to be a prequel to The Lord of the Rings and they had a lot more than what was in this book to build upon.

I have to say that the cinematography and all the landscapes were exceptional and it reflects the beautiful world in the book. Every time I hear it, I want to grow a beard and go on an adventure.

Now the route Mr. Bilbo Baggins transverses to seek adventure and a pot of gold As our story begins the Hobbit is having a quiet, delightful time drinking his tea and a nice breakfast, steps out the door from his hole in the ground the unkind would say blows a wonderful smoke ring And is the last one for many moons An old man, a stranger appears the polite hobbit greets him, Bilbo later regrets it often but that's further down the road. The sociable Mr.

Baggins invites the man who reveals himself to be the powerful, mystifying, lofty wizard Gandalf to tea The nervous hobbit, half the size of a human just wants to be left alone and enjoy his comfortable life which unfortunately doesn't occur, on the other hand the reader is greatly rewarded.

Next day a dwarf arrives Dwalin, than another Balin, and still more, two in fact, Kili and Fili, five then, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, and Gloin, this will in a short while pun intended be thirteen, no I haven't forgotten Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and last very appropriately , the leader Thorin, they are a superstitious bunch. The need for a fourteenth member is obvious you can't count a wizard , these creatures are eating, drinking at poor Bilbo's home Finally Gandalf comes and the purpose of the gathering disclosed, a bold plan to kill a huge dragon Smaug the Magnificent, take the vast priceless treasure, the winged fire breathing behemoth sits on, inside the very distant Lonely Mountain, the dwarves ancient home.

The reluctant Mr. Baggins agrees to go along, not too confidently , he can see disaster in his future Deadly monsters, goblins, wolves, unfriendly elves are between their goal, the sinister Misty Mountains, rivers to cross, lakes too, the dark thick forest Mirkwood, where evil giant spiders, sinister wizards, unfriendly wood-elves reside, with only a little stream to guide and follow , then Gandalf abandons them Still the frightened little hobbit becomes the leader, with the help of a magical ring.

The battle of five armies, a grisly fight where no quarter is given, an epic style end to this tale is the high point. This classic written in is the original, The Lord of the Rings are sequels and more magical than Mr. Bilbo Baggins band. If you wonder why someone would read a book for the third time all you need to do is get this title A trip in a world where you can forget your troubles and drop into one let's face it, quite interesting View all 30 comments.

Unpopular opinion time: I don't like The Hobbit. Before all of you start hating me forever, please, hear me out. I truly respect J.

R Tolkien. If I'm not mistaken, this was one of the first really popular fantasy books ever written. And fantasy just happens to be my favourite genre. So you can see why I really wanted to like this book.

I wanted to like it so much, in fact, that I have tried to read it three times now. But each time, I have had to DNF it. I love The Lord of the Rings movies. I Unpopular opinion time: I don't like The Hobbit.

I love The Hobbit movies. But I cannot, for the life of me, finish this book. I love beautiful descriptions in books, but when the description has been going on for more than four sentences, I'm out. I get it. It's a really nice tree. Just get back to the story. Not much seemed to be happening. A page book somehow managed to seem like an page book. It was tedious. After the supposed "third time's a charm" attempt failed, I moved on to the films. And I really enjoyed them. Well, I didn't like how they stretched one book into three movies, but that's a discussion for another time.

The movies managed to keep everything I liked about the book, and cut out everything I didn't. Lovable characters and awesome world? No overly-descriptive writing? If you're one of those many people who adore this book with all of your heart and soul, great for you! I'm glad you liked it. It's just not for me. And no, I will not try to finish this book again. That'd make four failed attempts. I've got to draw the line somewhere.

View all 52 comments. Buddy read with Fares and I could not be more excited! Edit after finishing: So I'm bawling right now. Every time I have to say goodbye, I just can't bear it. Full review to come. Since this is a buddy read with the awesome Fares , my review will be chapter by chapter, accompanied by appropriate gifs and quotes every two days.

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Party. This is giving me such nostalgia! Underrated quote: The hobbit was a very well-to-do hobbit, and his name was Baggins. The Bagginses have live Buddy read with Fares and I could not be more excited! The Bagginses have lived in the neighbourhood of The Hill for time out of mine, and most people considered them very respectable, not only because most of them were rich, but also because they never had any adventures or did anything unexpected; you could tell what a Baggins would say on any question without the bother of asking him.

This is the story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected. For your hospitality our sincerest thanks, and for your offer of professional assistance our grateful acceptance. Terms: cash on delivery up to and not exceeding one fourteenth of total profits if any ; all travelling expenses guaranteed in any event; funeral expenses to be defrayed by us or our represented, if occasion arises and the matter is not otherwise arranged for.

Or another gem: "Where did you go to, if I may ask? All jokes aside, it is the chapter where Bilbo discovers a lifelong connection with Rivendell, a place that will ultimately provide him with respite and comfort in his late years. They stayed long in that good house, fourteen days at least, and they found it hard to leave.

Bilbo would gladly have stopped there for ever and ever. Chapter 4: Over Hill and Under Hill When he peeped out in the lightning flashes, he saw that across the valley the stone-giants were out, and were hurling rocks at one another for a game, and catching them, and tossing them down into the darkness where they smashed among the trees far below, or splintered into little bits with a bang, Chapter 5: Riddles in the dark Gollum had no sword.

Gollum had not actually threatened to kill him. Or tried to yet. And he was miserable, alone, lost. A sudden understanding, a pity mixed with horror, welled up within Bilbo's heart: a glimpse of endless unmarked days without light or hope of betterment, hard stone, cold fish, sneaking and whispering. All these thoughts passed in a flash of a second. If it weren't for Bilbo's empathy at that moment and he had decided to kill Gollum, Frodo and Sam would have had Gollum to help them make it to Mordor on a more secret path.

Bilbo's empathy saved Middle Earth. Think about that. Deep stuff. That bromance is the best. This chapter has some great lines by the dwarves, especially underrated ones like Dori and Balin.

There are wargs, goblins and of course, Eagles in this one. The Eagles are cool and neutral assholes as usual. You know, as the saying goes, don't risk a feather for a mortal. I totally made that up, but that's how they are What did I tell you? Chapter 7:Queer Lodgings I love this chapter so much. I love Beorn. I can relate to him - he's a vegetarian who loves nature, animals and plants.

And he's a bee keeper! It's as if Tolkien predicted our bee crisis and rise in vegetarianism. Beorn is the Tom Bombadil of the Hobbit - he doesn't care for shiny things, rings and gems.

He just loves his nature. I love how Gandalf introduces the hobbits! We get spoiled by Gandalf's sharpened-by-a-whetstone-wit and Beorn's hilarious sense of humour! There are some tantalising parts of this chapter where Beorn wants to know the story of the company's journey thus far.

However, there are some weird bits like the dogs serving food on their hind legs and Bears dancing outside in the moonlight. This is the whimsical side of Tolkien I love! Gandalf leaves the dwarves to journey through Mirkwood alone. Some of my favourites quotes: At any rate he under no enchantment but his own.

He lives in an -oak-wood and has a great wooden house; and as a man he keeps cattle and horses which are nearly as marvellous as himself. They work for him and talk to him. He does not eat them; neither does he hunt or eat wild animals. Beorn was jolly for a change; indeed he seemed to be in splendidly good humour and set them all laughing with his funny stories; nor did they have to wonder long where he had been or why he was so nice to them, for hetold them himself.

He had been over the river and right back up into the mountains - from which you can guess that he could travel quickly, in bear's shape at any rate. From the burnt wolf-glade he had soon found out that part of their story was true; but he had found more than that: he had caught a Warg and a goblin wandering in the woods. From these he had got the news; the goblins patrols were hunting with Wargs for the dwarves and they were angry because of the death of the Goblin King.

Side note: I wanted to share something special with all my reading buddies. This is the exact copy of The Hobbit my aunt gave me ten years ago for my 11th birthday. I've read it about eight times. It is the book that got me into reading and eventually got me two Tolkien tattoos and a lifetime of love. What I love about The Hobbit is that the protagonist isn't some young person with strength and energy to boot - he's a middle-aged guy who finally lives a life of adventure.

It's a message that anyone out there can have an adventure despite their age. View all 48 comments. Aug 03, Gene rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasy.

I find it hard to believe there are people who have no clue what the book is about. Still the possibility exists so I will give the high points of the plot. See there once was a hobbit a race entirely created by Tolkien and endlessly recycled since under name halflings - for copyright reasons named Bilbo Baggins.

Think a humanoid creature of about half of a grown-up adult human height with furry legs who goes barefoot - it is a hobbit. These guys live underground in holes similar to rabbit's, b I find it hard to believe there are people who have no clue what the book is about. These guys live underground in holes similar to rabbit's, but much more comfortable. Speaking about comfort, they love it and for this reason never ever go adventuring. One fine day Bilbo was sitting outside minding his own business when Gandalf showed up.

Gandalf was a wizard who gave birth to practically all mighty wizards appearing in any art form. Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter is probably the most famous example and yes, he would not exist without Gandalf. Anyhow, for reasons entirely unclear through the whole book Gandalf decided to involve poor hobbit into a grand adventure - the kind where heroes go from a mortal danger to being miserable from hunger and weather having just escaped said danger and to yet another mortal danger again, still remaining miserable.

Who would not want it? By the way, this never-explain-your-reasons-and-motivations thingy is a trademark of all mighty wizards that come after Gandalf. And so off to a grand adventure Bilbo went, accompanied by 12 dwarves and Gandalf himself who kept them company only part way. Adventure they wanted, and adventure they got, full of misery and dangers.

I said it before and I will say it again at the risk of making some people very angry: this is a children tale; nothing more, nothing less. If you are trying to find some deep philosophical meaning in it, you are wrong: it is not supposed to have any. You might as well find some hidden messages in Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Just look at Gandalf: the guy who dueled Balrog in the Lord of the Rings this is an adult tale at times looks like a total fraud in Hobbit: at one time he was sitting in a tree throwing flaming pine cones at wargs and set the forest on fire - his own tree included. As I said, a simple tale. It does not make the book bad by any means. It is a children classic for children and adults alike for a reason.

I had a blast reading it in my childhood; I reread it later and liked it and I still like it after my latest reread. The rating is 4 very solid stars. View all 22 comments. Where there's life there's hope. I've been thinking a lot of how many stars giving to the book, since there were parts that I loved a lot, but there were others that I found tedious and even anti-climatic, but in respect to this great writer, J.

Tolkien, I think that the book deserves at least 4-stars rating with which I feel easy since I am not giving it a full rating but also I am not punishing it for things that maybe a future re-reading will solve. In a hole in the ground there live Where there's life there's hope. Anyway, it's amazing how with this line It's so fantastic to think how Tolkien felt the impulse to write down this line, and from it, a whole epic universe came into life.

I loved to read when some book came up from a dream like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or from an unknown impulse, like in these case. I watched at some moment a documentary abour Tolkien's work and I learned how he was looking for a mythology, in the sense like the Nordic one or the Greek one, to call as own on England, and it was the trigger to creat such vast and appealing universe.

And even more interesting to choose its point of development, since the core books like this one, The Hobbit and the following trilogy of The Lord of the Rings , are located in an time where the magic is leaving the Middle-Earth and the age of men is becoming the important one.

If you sit on the doorstep long enough, I daresay you will think of something. I think that certainly many people could love "more magic" in the main story, there would be others who enjoy the "more downed" tone with more "realistic" elements. In that way, everybody can like this story since there is a good balance of magic and "terrenal" stuff. Thief, thief, thief! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!

Still, it was amazing how Tolkien could develop such impressive "sequel" from the book of The Hobbit with only editing one chapter, but definitely a key one. It's wonderful how the mood of the book is at hand with the maturing of Bilbo Baggins, the main protagonist, since the story started quite innocent and even with such humoristic moments and step by step is turning more and more serious, in the same way as Bilbo is getting more serious about his role in the mission. My Precious, my Precious.

The two introductions about characters that I absolutely loved were the Elrond's and Smaug's About Elrond He was as noble and fair in face as an elf-lord, as strong, as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves, and as kind as summer. I mean If you are not impressed about a character when he or she is introduced in such way, well, I don't know what else you'd need.

About Smaug My armour is like ten fold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death! Oh yes, right then, anybody without a ring of power on his finger should run like crazy and never NEVER stop to look behind.

It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him. Without spoiling anything really crutial, I think that my most favorite part were the moon-letters. I mean, secret messages that you can read only at certain position of the moon in the year Not with this moon.

Or something much like it I mean, it gives a promise that may that map has some other secrets in there, only to be revealed at the right position of the moon in the year. Obviously, Gandalf is a great character, but I think that it was "too" great and Tolkien had troubles to think about challenges to put into the travelling group and they could mean a real risk having a powerful wizard in the midst. I understand. Gandalf rules! In here, about Smaug's fate Thanks to a very convenient failure in his armour that a hobbit that he doesn't know anything about warfare, he was able to deduce a weak point that many, many, many warfaring races weren't able to deduce?

And so, this menace that it's been spoken about along the whole book It's killed with a single arrow and even the arrow is shot by a totally new character that you didn't know anything about until that moment? Certainly, the first part of Peter Jackson's film adaptations gave him a lot of credit and respect, presenting him as a powerful leader, where in the book, he doesn't do anything useful.

And in fact, I didn't find out why so many dwarves in the story since nobody did something particulary memorable. At some moments, you think that Balin will become something more in the story but no, Bombur is only remembered by his weight that I found something cruel how he is treated in the story and even I thought that since Gloin is the father of Gimli, he would do something awesome at some moment but no.

So, why so many dwarves in the group if they won't do something useful in the story? I think Gimli, one single dwarf, did more to give a good name to the dwarf race in The Lord of the Rings , than 13 dwarves in the whole The Hobbit. I loved the trolls! Maybe some people didn't get the most humoruous aspect of them.

I don't know but I found that such amusing, that they had such common and "modern" names in the middle of such "epic fantasied" names. At the end, The Hobbit is a wonderful piece of writing where you find a totally new race in almost each chapter and not only you know the new race but also you get a "glimpse" realizing that behind of each race there is an extensive and rich history that you won't be able to know in its entirely way, adding more mystery to the whole universe created here.

View all 37 comments. Not a sprawling, grimy slum of a city, full of the stench of neglect and despair, nor yet a soulless prosperous city, fueled by commercial enterprise: it was an Oxford professor's hometown, and that means intellectual satisfaction. They have been incredibly successful at seeping their way into the general consciousness. In fact it could be said that this simple children's novel is responsible for triggering an entire canon of modern English Fantasy - quite an accomplishment for a quiet professor of Anglo-Saxon.

Without Tolkien's The Hobbit , we would not have such well-formed and specific ideas of elves, dwarves, goblins, wizards, dragons and trolls. Plus, of course, his invented orcs goblins , hobbits and wargs, and also the wonderful prehistoric era of Middle-earth a Middle English name which he invented for our world, would simply not exist. And even this is not the whole of it. Tolkien was responsible not only for our current ideas of many creatures of fantasy, and a whole other world.

He created more than a hundred drawings to support the story. In addition he created a new "Elvish" language with an invented script, and also made a few changes to our own. Tolkien felt that "dwarfs", the plural of dwarf a plural which had formerly been drummed into every English schoolchild of the last century was not logical. He insisted on using an incorrect form, "dwarves" , rather than treating it as an irregular plural.

His persistence succeeded. Nowadays it is common to find the plural written Tolkien's way. For the last few decades one of the highest accolades given to a new fantasy novel has been that it is Tolkien-esque. Scores of novels apparently have born comparison with the master, even more so if they are trilogies, and about a quest.

Potential readers routinely used to look in the front "to see if it had a map in it". It could be said that this one novel kick-started, defined and inspired an entire tradition of modern fantasy. Yet it is a simple children's adventure story - isn't it?

Tolkien was not an average children's writer. Nor was he given to writing blockbusters. On the contrary, he was a shy academic, who lived quietly with his wife and four children in North Oxford. He had an impressive record of scholarly achievements, and was a Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University. He specialised in Old and Middle English, teaching undergraduates. The only indication of Tolkien's story-telling abilities was that he told them bedtime stories, and more unusually, he wrote illustrated letters to them "from Santa Claus" every Christmas.

These were later published in as "The Father Christmas Letters" , along with other early children's books he wrote specifically for his own children. Tolkien had long been fascinated by both language and mythology. His first job had been as a lexicographer, in the course of which he helped to draft the Oxford English Dictionary. During this time he began to invent languages based on Finnish and Welsh, which he imagined might have been spoken by elves.

He also began writing stories which incorporated this "Elvish" language, inventing a whole new mythology. He called his stories "Lost Tales". The other part of the jigsaw comes in the form of Tolkien's social life. He became a founding member of a group of Oxford friends who had similar interests. They called themselves, "The Inklings" , a name which suggesting writing, and sounded vaguely Anglo-Saxon.

Tolkien was a devout Catholic, and he felt that mythology had an important role in conveying both moral and spiritual values.

Incidentally, C. Lewis was another prominent member. He was one of Tolkien's closest friends, and an agnostic at the time. He argued against this idea, dismissing myths and fairy tales. The scene was set. By Tolkien's own account, he was routinely marking his students' exam papers, his mind possibly wandering elsewhere, and he came across a page of an answer-book which one student had left blank. In a frivolous moment, bored and feeling whimsical, he wrote, "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.

He began to write a story which he told to his younger children, and began to pass around his friends at "The Inklings" gatherings. It eventually found its way to a publishing house, "George Allen and Unwin" , and was pronounced as a good read by the Chairman's 10 year old son, who wrote a report about it for his father.

It was then published in , was immediately successful, and has been popular ever since. Not surprisingly, the publishers asked Tolkien if he had anything similar to publish. Tolkien offered them what we now know as "The Silmarillion" , but of course this was not at all similar, and the publishers' readers decided that it would not be a commercial success.

The publishers therefore declined the material, but asked Tolkien if he could write a sequel. And the rest, as they say, is history, for the "sequel" was the magnificent trilogy, "The Lord of the Rings". The course of the next few years - the development of a mammoth opus inspired by ancient European myths, with its own maps, mythology, languages and lore - was neither easy not straightforward.

Tolkien often interrupted the writing of his story to iron out a linguistic problem or an historical inconsistency. The story follows on from The Hobbit , including many of the original characters such as Gandalf the Wizard, but also inventing and introducing dozens of new ones, and a new "hero" hobbit, a distant younger cousin and heir of Bilbo's, Frodo. Its tone is also very different.

Although it is said that Tolkien protested that The Hobbit was not meant to be a children's book, it has the light jokey feel of one, whereas "The Lord of the Rings" is darker throughout.

So what is it exactly in a simple children's story which so captured the public's imagination, leading to the phenomenon we know as "The Lord of the Rings"? First The Hobbit is a story of a quest, one of the most ancient traditional stories in history.

It is a story of a journey involving travel, in which the hero returns home with the object of his quest. The theme would have been a well-loved one to Tolkien, who was steeped in Old and Middle English poetry, and in Greek and Norse myth. Shortly before writing The Hobbit he had published a scholarly essay on the Old English epic poem, "Beowulf". And of course readers of The Hobbit will remember view spoiler [that it is a cup which Bilbo steals from the dragon Smaug's hoard.

It is a perilous journey, with plenty of suspense and threat. He forms close friendships with the dwarves, and all of them suffer along the way, and risk death view spoiler [in the culminating Battle of the Five Armies on the Lonely Mountain. Bilbo grows both in courage and - by using his brain - in his personal integrity. The dramatic adventures they are all having are not at all attractive to him.

You might try over the Hill or Across the Water. Each episode and encounter allow him different ways of responding; they serve as trials and lessons to him, in his own journey through life. As the story develops, Bilbo learns to use his intelligence, imagination, resourcefulness and courage. He increases in confidence, wisdom and power, developing personal authority.

For instance view spoiler [he kills the spiders, and rescues the dwarves from the dungeon of the Elvenking. Later, on his own initiative, he makes the bold and risky decision to take the Arkenstone to Bard, in an attempt to prevent a war over the treasure which the dragon Smaug is holding.

The reader of any age likes to identify with the hero, an ordinary character in an extraordinary situation. Bilbo is keen to do good, for instance when he does not kill Gollum, even though he could easily use the advantage of his invisibility, and his sword, to help him. Let's see Sometimes That won't stop me from taking big risks It's Fire Night? Let's see 2. View all comments. It's too true!

And also that was the most incredibly annoying and problematic scene in the book. This series really is something. Clearly I'm in the minority here. This was one of the most uncompelling versions of Beauty and the Beast that I have ever read. The writing is nothing outstanding, there was nothing that moved me. Look, I'm sure by the end of the book, all the things tie together and Clearly I'm in the minority here.

Ain't nobody got time for that. I have so many questions and I'm just fed up. This is not a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. This is a book about a girl who gets to live an easy life with a guy who's implied to be a gorgeous Fae underneath his mask.

The original story makes sense: here's roughly how it goes. Handsome prince is cursed to be ugly unless he gets a chick to fall for him. Flash forward, there's Belle's dad. Belle's dad wanders into Beast's castle and touches his stuff.

Beast doesn't like the fact that Belle's dad touched his stuff. Beast is going to kill Belle's dad unless he gets Beast some pussy. Belle's valiantly steps in to save dad, Beast is as nice to her as much as a hairy ugly, self-conscious, socially ostracized monster can be. Belle is treated like a princess because Beast really, really fucking needs her to save him and his people before the curse runs out! There's a reason Belle is treated like the queen! Things make sense! They have to learn to trust one another.

Things are slowly developed an built over time. There is a hideous beast who is scarred emotionally, and a beauty who needs to look past the exterior. There is a point. Not so with this book. Things are far, far too easy with this book. Now here's this version of Beauty and the Beast, a retelling that tries to be bad-ass and fails completely, from the little that I have read. There's Feyre who has a pretty crappy life with an absentminded, worthless, spineless dad, and two of the most bitchy, ungrateful sisters in the entire world.

She slaves for them, she hunts food for them, she works her ass off for them. Without her, their family would starve. They don't care. I feel some pity for her, but she acts like so much of a martyr that there's only so much I can take. While hunting one day, Feyre kills a wolf, well, surprise, surprise, that wolf turns out to be a Fae in disguise.

In return for this kill, Feyre is taken by a wolf who's a Fae in disguise away from her family. Any unprovoked attacks on faerie-kind by humans are to be paid only by a human life in exchange. Oh, no! Is she going to die?!

That's what a life for a life means, right? Feyre is taken off to magical Fairyland to live in luxury for the rest of her life while her family is taken care of back in their little village. This makes no sense at all. Feyre kills one of their kind. A beloved brother. In exchange, there is absolutely no punishment whatsoever. She gets to live in a fantastically fabulous castle, waited on by servants. She gets beautiful clothes and delicious food. Another useless answer.

I dug into my breakfast, savoring each rich sip of tea, and she slipped into the bathing chamber. Clearly there is some kind of a setup involving The Treaty, since there seems to be a lot of secrecy between the Fae It doesn't make any sense!

Across Prythian. There has been for almost fifty years now. It is why this house and these lands are so empty: most have left. The blight spreads slowly, but it has made magic act … strangely.

My own powers are diminished due to it. I do not like it when things come so easily to a main character, and everything comes easily to Feyre. There is no consequence whatsoever to her actions.

There is no punishment to her deed of killing. The Fae are supposed to hate her The Fae seem to have no other things to do besides play with her and hunt with her. Indeed, his usual tunic was off, the baldric gone, and the sleeves of his white shirt had been rolled up to the elbows to reveal tanned forearms corded with muscle.

Dead—really, truly, I should have been dead for that. But Lucien grinned at me. Maybe my rating comes as a surprise or even - if you care - a disappointment, but let me assure you: no one is more surprised or disappointed than I am.

I've had this book on my TBR ever since it appeared on Goodreads without a title, cover or description. I started reading it as soon as it became available and the array of positive reviews from my friends and strangers alike made me feel sure I would love it.

But I didn't. It is possible I expected all the wrong things from A Court of Thorns and Roses , and maybe my review can prevent others from doing the same. Here's what I expected: an intricate fantasy world, supernatural politics and alliances, fast-paced action, a sensual romance - perhaps similar to Cruel Beauty and other Beauty and the Beast retellings, and a flawed but likable heroine. But this book is, if you ask me, nothing more or less than softcore erotica.

Which is fine, if that's what you're looking for. I personally thought that the fantasy aspect felt like trimmings around a story that was all about a romance between Feyre the narrator and Tamlin a High Lord of the Fae.

There are some titillating scenes where Tamlin bites Feyre's neck and they have sex - undoubtedly the best bits of the book and I won't pretend I didn't feel a little hot under the collar myself. But the "ancient wicked shadow" promised in the blurb is only really a source of more romantic angst for Feyre and Tamlin. In CB, I felt the chemistry between Nyx and Ignifex as soon as their loaded banter started to fill the pages. They were sexy together, Ignifex was an evil ruler which was a real problem for their relationship with blood-red eyes, and the supernatural part of the book was creepy, weird and completely unique.

Despite enjoying the actual non-PG scenes in A Court of Thorns and Roses , I never felt any real chemistry between Feyre and Tamlin or any realistic challenge to their relationship. What makes Beauty and the Beast such a compelling romance?

One that demands to be told over and over again in so many different ways? I'll tell you what it is: it's the obstacles, the challenges, the improbability We ask. I'll prove it's possible! The author replies. That's why readers fall in love with the beast again and again, even when he is furry and has horns like the Disney version. I loved the Disney beast. How weird. Maas is a good writer and the beginning - before Feyre is taken to the Fae world - made me believe a great book was on the way.

When Maas writes action, she writes action really well. But there was far too little of it in this book. It came in behind the descriptions of beautiful Fae men and the Fae palace. In short: It just wasn't nasty enough. In truth, this felt more like an extended Cinderella retelling than what it was supposed to be. A girl lives in poverty and looks after her rather annoying sisters until one day she is swept up by a prince who takes her to his beautiful palace after about three chapters.

I just find it hard to recommend this when I think Cruel Beauty is similar and yet so much better. Blog Facebook Twitter Instagram Tumblr I cannot remember ever being this conflicted over a book.

I went into this book fully expecting to love it. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite fairy tales, and I was interested to see how SJM made the story her own. First off, my biggest problem with this story was Feyre as a character. I have never been so irritated. Her character development and personality, for the most part, didn't make I cannot remember ever being this conflicted over a book.

Her character development and personality, for the most part, didn't make sense to me. She was the caretaker of her entire family for years, supposedly a hunter with a strong survival instinct. And yet, she proceeded to make the stupidest decisions and put herself in danger time and time again. I didn't get the sense that she did this out of bravery, but more out of stupidity. It didn't mesh with what her character was supposed to be.

Examples of these idiotic choices: view spoiler [ 1. Repeatedly plotting to escape into a faerie land that she knew to be deadly, when she was asleep on the way to the manor and obviously wouldn't know her way back to the mortal lands 2.

Going to Fire Night after being told how dangerous it is, not leaving after being almost raped by 3 faeries, and then proceeding to leave her room AGAIN afterwards 5. Drinking the faerie wine at the Solstice, even after Lucien of all people warned her not to 6.

Leaving the manor when the Suriel flat out TOLD her not to and that she would be safe with Tamlin, and deciding to not mention that to ANYONE before he forced her to leave hide spoiler ] In addition to all of these idiotic choices, she also is incredibly inconsistent. She'll go from hating Fae to sympathizing with them to loving them back to fearing them at the drop of a hat.

These inconsistencies are probably the most irritating, as there are scenes that I absolutely adore with Feyre, but then she goes back to doing the next pain in the ass thing on the next page. I also found her relationship with Tamlin to be problematic. Yes, I do enjoy problematic things especially ships from time to time but there were a lot of things I couldn't excuse with them. Again, more inconsistencies in characters' behavior.

It was too little too late. Also, view spoiler [ I found the Fire Night scene to be a problem for me. I do enjoy volatile relationships and bad boy characters. But only when we are told from the beginning that one of the characters is "bad".

Tamlin we are led to believe is a saint, then he bites her and gets possessive, but all is forgiven the next morning. Because he's a "nice guy.

While I really enjoyed the wide variety of Fae creatures we got to see, I thought that a lot of the back story was revealed in a lazy way. Instead of having Feyre figure anything out for herself, important things are told to her through long monologues from a number of characters throughout the book.

This happens numerous times. Additionally, few side characters have any development and most felt like blank slates. With that being said, the ones that were developed I adored. Lucien and Rhys saved the book for me in a lot of ways. I found them both to be complex and interesting characters. I found the plot to finally be interesting, and I found Feyre's decisions in those chapters to actually make sense.

A lot of things were set up for future books that have me very intrigued, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

Many things that I disliked in this book, may in fact be remedied due to some of the occurrences in this last small section of the book. Overall, I was disappointed by this first installment. While there were elements I really enjoyed, they didn't make up for the elements I didn't.

I'm hoping future installments will prove to be better. I will also be doing a full video review and spoiler-filled discussion on my channel in the future if you want to know more of my thoughts. View all 31 comments. If you've ever wondered which literary world would be the best to live in, wonder no longer, cause there's a BookTube Video to answer that! Or reread this series again? I think you know the answer Here's the original review: Feyre is hunting in the middle of the woods to keep her useless starving family alive Hunger Games, anyone?

A chance encounter with a wolf - who wasn't entirely a wolf If you've ever wondered which literary world would be the best to live in, wonder no longer, cause there's a BookTube Video to answer that!

A chance encounter with a wolf - who wasn't entirely a wolf - leaves Feyre on the wrong end of an ancient treaty. She is forced to go to the fairy realm to live out the remaining years of her human life - no friends, no family and no freedom. At first, she cannot think of anything but escape. They are not merely powerful—they are Power. The court is being attacked by all manner of terrible creatures and there is a blight upon the land.

This blight will soon cross to the human realm - threatening everyone Feyre holds dear. The first half sucks but keep reading There's no way around it. From page 1 to about , Feyre is annoying and obstinate. I nearly put this book down half a dozen times it was like reading Red Queen.

BUT, there was something about it that kept me interested. Because wow. Seriously wow. Midway through the book, things turned around magnificently. It was like a whole new book. Sarah J Maas is a devious little thing. Suddenly, all the plot holes, nonsensical actions of her fairy captors Tamlin and Lucien and Feyre's complete idiocy flipped on their heads.

Everything makes sense now. I literally could not put this down. Her constant love declarations really had me questioning their relationship. But then again, I had a friend who accidentally spilled the beans on that one. Without giving any spoilers, I sure hope book 2 does a complete character shift on you-know-who NOT voldemort because I am not pleased with the way the love interest was hinted at during the end of the book.

He's such a jerk! Overall, I am amazed by how much effort Sarah J. Maas put into constructing this story. I'm this close to rereading the book solely to better appreciate all those little clues that I must have passed over.

So, if you pick this up and just aren't feeling it - keep reading - trust me. I approached this book with an open mind and wanted to enjoy it. Despite not being a fan of the superfluous writing style or the lackluster world-building, I was still willing to rate it 3 stars by viewing it as an easy guilty pleasure romance book.

The relationship seems harmless and I still don't see how it's as problematic as people dramatize it to be. The first half of the book is a standard Beauty and the Beast retelling — not awful, but not special either — and then the second half really I approached this book with an open mind and wanted to enjoy it. The first half of the book is a standard Beauty and the Beast retelling — not awful, but not special either — and then the second half really dips in quality, which lowered my rating to 2 stars.

A couple glaring issues that stood out to me: 1 The background story of the curse is literally told instead of shown via a side character's lengthy monologue. This was disappointing since I was intrigued to find this out by piecing clues together, not by being told it straightforwardly like a regurgitated wikipedia article. She gives a bunch of arbitrary challenges and rules for no reason other than for the sake of stringing along a story.

It feels like she's hosting a game show or some overly complex scavenger hunt. There's no reason why she'd bother setting up any of these superfluous rules. I think this is the worst antagonist I've ever read. I'm willing to overlook the writing style and bland romance, but once I got to the part where Feyre answers the riddle, I had to drop it down to 2 stars because it was so ridiculous and lazy.

I've heard that the sequel is much better though, so I am willing to give it another try, just not any time soon haha. View all 30 comments. My cheeks are still flushed. I'm also fairly confident this book is going to help change the face of new adult fiction. Serious Darkling vibes, my friends. Maybe more of a review closer to release. If I can calm my racing pulse before then. View all 92 comments. View all 36 comments. This was a solid start to this new series! I'm really interested to see where things go.

View all 8 comments. Just wow. Sarah has done it again! This book was amazing! The romance was borderline new adult which I loved but it was also greatly paced.

The plot was so well thought out and executed as well. View all 32 comments. Really enjoyed this one! I take back every bad thing I've said about Rhys. View all 35 comments. View all 29 comments. You puzzle me. So, there you go — another great universe erected by 4.

So, there you go — another great universe erected by SJM just in front of our humble eyes. She is building her own fucking multiverse and we are here to witness the power of a goddess at work. I will make three sacrifices for that. This is, so far, for me, the best Beauty and the Beast reimagination. And this one is not even the best of her works.

Or at least as intriguing as a Court of flowery gardens can be. I kind of like Feyre. She definitely has her own personal issues, mainly because she is broken and lonely and desperate to beat her status. She is human and miserable, mainly because her family is horrible.

Lucien the Emissary of the Spring Court , I must say, I liked from the very beginning, but he somehow managed to grow on me. There was something likeable about him at first and he only proved that to me more as the action went on. Tamlin , the High Lord of the Spring Court, on the other hand, seemed a bit stiff the whole book, even though I sometimes appreciated the occasional softness of his heart. He won for this book a full star from me with all of his domineering prick moves. He played the bad boy role so good that my traitorous heart enjoyed him whole.

I might have a problem but oh, what a perfect problem he is. But by the end, there was this sliver of hope that lingered. And that broke the evil to pieces. It leaves you craving. More steps to come. Until I fall in love. Wholly and irrevocably. What am I supposed to say after this? The Beauty and the Beast-esque fantasy drama tells t 4. The Beauty and the Beast-esque fantasy drama tells the story of Feyre, who finds herself entwined with faeries after unknowingly killing one.

When the year-old huntress kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin, one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled their world.

Feyre must find a way to stop it or doom Tamlin and his world forever. I'm not a fantasy fan. Wonder Woman's sales are some of the best the Amazing Amazon has ever experienced, and the book is a critical and popular success with its weaving of Greek mythology into a feminist and humanistic atmosphere. Screen Rant. Retrieved June 7, In it, Tim Drake Titans Companion 2. Reprinted from Comics Buyer's Guide May 19, Archived from the original on March 12, Retrieved September 10, He did, however, suggest a writer that he wanted to work with — Kurt Busiek.

Dial B for Blog No. Archived from the original on April 9, The Comics Journal Fantagraphics Books. Archived from the original on January 20, Retrieved March 4, Dynamite Entertainment. DC Comics. Archived from the original on September 23, It's long been discussed, but it's now officially confirmed.

The Hero Initiative. Archived from the original on June 21, Archived from the original on October 31, New Teen Titans: Games. September 21, Archived from the original on March 11, Archived from the original on January 16, Retrieved January 29, Archived from the original on May 1, The Nerdist Podcast. Archived from the original on July 15, Perez's latest book, Sirens published by Boom!

Studios , which he writes as well as draws, is also his own creation, inspired, as he reveals in the following interview, by many of the women in his life.

Archived from the original on April 18, Retrieved August 8, Archived from the original on November 12, Retrieved December 7, June 3, Archived from the original on November 18, Archived from the original on August 5, Comic Book.

Retrieved April 19, The Beat. Retrieved April 22, Retrieved May 8, Bleeding Cool. Eagle Awards. Archived from the original on April 4, Archived from the original on October 23, Retrieved November 3, Retrieved October 23, Comic-Con International.

Archived from the original on June 11, Archived from the original on March 4, Archived from the original on June 16, Iola, Wisconsin: Krause Publications pp. Keith Pollard. Trina Robbins and Kurt Busiek. William Messner-Loebs. Bob McLeod.



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