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Page: View: Affinity Photo continues to be the fastest-growing, new photo editor on the market today and is quickly becoming the first choice for creative professionals and photographers alike.

The Affinity Photo Manual was created with new users like you in mind to help you quickly and with as little effort as possible increase your confidence and proficiency in learning this software. Feel free to email us to ask for a full list of all of the images used in this book.

We have a list of the images with their hyperlinks in a Word. Presents information on the fundamentals of graphic design and color theory, providing tips on ways to talk to clients about color and how to use color in presentations. From the meanings behind colors to working with color in presentations, Color Design Workbook provides you with the information needed to effectively apply color to design work.

Since color is such an important part of graphic design, designers need the most up-to-date, as well as the most fundamental, information on the subject to have the tools needed to use color effectively.

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Affinity designer pdf tutorial free download


It also includes an environment that allows you to export layers and sectors in different layers and formats in batches. You have to handle the pen well to make vector lines. This package includes three different versions: pencil, pen, and paintbrush. Each one has different characteristics that make them ideal for various tasks.

And if you combine these three tools with the node tool, you can create and edit all kinds of strokes. Every shape has different, editable properties. Affinity Designer also makes it easy to edit any color in the image, thanks to its 22 adjustment layers.

Open documents and images You can open photos and raster images as well as a range of popular camera raw images in Affinity Photo, ready for editing and designing. You can open previously saved Affinity Photo documents, as well as vector images SVGs and projects from other, selected professional photo editing apps.

For a comprehensive list of compatible import file formats, see Import and export file formats. A key feature of the Affinity product range is the ability to seamlessly open any Affinity project file in any Affinity product, regardless of the original Affinity product it was created in.

In doing so, you can enhance your work with another Affinity product's features with no concern over file compatibility on saving. Affinity Photo documents are saved with the. You can add additional photos and raster images to your project page as a new layer.

For more information, see Place images. To open a document or photo: 1. Do one of the following: o From the File menu, click Open. Only available in Normal mode when no other documents are open. Select the file you want and click Open. Photos opened using the above methods will create a new document with one layer, named 'Background'. The document will adopt the image name as its file name. The document's current color profile is displayed at the top-left of your workspace.

The 'Background' layer is locked by default. This can be changed by updating your Preferences. Layers which are locked show in the Layers panel with a lock symbol next to them. Selected locked layers appear with crosses around the bounding box. Adobe Photoshop project files can also be opened in Affinity Photo as described above. To open Adobe PDF files: 1.

From the File menu, click Open. For multi-page PDF files, each page is placed on its own layer. Switch on a hidden page's layer to view its content. Opening a raw image You can open raw images from your digital camera directly into Affinity Photo. In doing so, you'll be able to process the unprocessed image, deciding for yourself how your image is to be developed. For a comprehensive list of supported raw image files that can be imported, see Import and export file formats.

Processing raw images is carried out exclusively within Affinity Photo's Develop Persona. Once you commit to how you want to your image to be developed, the image can then be worked on in other Personas. To open a raw image: 1. Select the raw file you want and click Open. The raw image is loaded into Develop Persona for processing. Create new documents When you create your new document you specify a range of color settings plus page dimensions depending on the purpose of your document. As well as print press-ready CMYK , you can work to specific Photo print sizes, specific Web screen resolutions, and with the Devices option, design to iPad, iPhone, and Nexus document specifications.

A Custom option indicates if your page is using non-standard page dimensions. An alternative to selecting a Page Preset size above. For example, for professional print quality, set your resolution to dpi.

This option is only available when the document units are set to Pixel or Points. Select from the pop-up menu. Click Retrieve Margin from Printer to use your default printer's settings. When creating a new document, the Document Units define the exact size of your document on screen.

Similarly, for physical Document Units e. To change document units once a document has been created, use the settings on the context toolbar when the View Tool or Zoom Tool is selected. You can also create a new document based on the contents of the clipboard. Full transparency can be applied to the background of the document at any point by selecting Transparent Background from the Document menu.

To create a new document: 1. From the File menu, click New. From the dialog, choose document settings. Click OK. Creating new documents from clipboard contents You can create a new document based on the current contents on the clipboard.

This 'paste as new document' feature allows you to start a new project from a copied section layer or selection of another project in Affinity Photo or other supported applications. Embedding documents Embedding documents allows you to place any Affinity Designer, Photo, etc.

Before and after documents from Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer embedded into current document. Once you've added embedded documents onto your page, you can edit each document without leaving your current document. To embed a document: 1. From the File menu, select Place. In the pop-up dialog, navigate to and select a document, and click Open. Embedded documents are shown in the Layers panel using their original document name and the suffix ' Embedded document '.

If your embedded document is a Designer file which has multiple artboards, you'll be provided with an Artboard option on the document's context toolbar so you can choose which artboard is displayed. Changes are saved within the main document without affecting the original. The editability of the embedded document may be affected by how the original document was saved in its native application.

To replace a document: 1. Select the document. From the context toolbar, select Replace Document. Place images You can add additional photos and raster images to your page as a new layer. Photos and images placed in this way can be replaced using the options on the context toolbar.

The image's embedded color profile will always be converted to the document's current working space. To place an image: 1. In the pop-up dialog, navigate to and select a file, and click Open. Do one of the following: o Click to place the image at its default, displayed size. The image will be added to the project as a new layer. To replace an image: 1. Select an image. From the context toolbar, select Replace Image.

Using stock photos The Stock panel allows you to search various stock imagery websites to find images for your designs and then add them to the page. When you add images from the Stock panel to your document, they are placed as watermarked versions. This allows you to use them in your design so you and your clients can visualize their use before you purchase them. Before and after purchase of stock image. When the design is complete, the features within Affinity Photo allow you to quickly locate the image online so you can purchase it and then help you replace the placeholder with a purchased version.

Select a stock imagery website from the pop-up menu. In the search box, type in your keyword s and then click the search icon or press the Return key. Thumbnails of all images matching the search criteria will display in the panel. You can clear search results using the close icon.

To purchase and replace a stock image: 1. Select the watermarked placeholder image on the page. Your default web browser will launch displaying your selected image on the chosen stock imagery website. Purchase the image and save the file to a convenient local location. With the placeholder image still selected, on the context toolbar, click Replace Image.

Navigate to, and select, the purchased image and click Open. View There are a variety of viewing options available which give you maximum flexibility when editing your images. New View There are times when it is useful to view a design at different zoom levels simultaneously.

This can be achieved by opening your current project in a New View. The views can then be set to different zoom levels. Changes made to any view are replicated in the other. Full Screen View Regardless of which layout mode you choose to work in, you also have the option of full screen view.

In this view, Affinity Photo is effectively maximized to its own desktop, giving you every available pixel to work with. The Menu bar is not visible in full screen view. However, it remains accessible by moving the pointer to the upper edge of the screen.

Using the Separated Workspace mode, you can be working on several documents at a time, each having their own full screen desktop! When in full screen view, you cannot switch between Normal and Separated mode.

You must choose which mode you wish to work in before entering full screen view. Zooming Zooming into areas of your document is an essential part of the editing and design process. Several zooming options are possible. For Trackpad users, see Gestures. To pan an image with the View tool: 1. From the Tools panel on the left, click the View Tool. Drag the zoomed-in document in relation to its view.

Temporarily activate the View Tool by using Hot key panning by pressing. As soon as you release, the tool will switch back to the previously selected tool. You can also pan the Document view using your mouse wheel, scroll bars, or the Navigator panel. Save When you save your document all project information is preserved, allowing you to edit it at a later date.

The project is saved as a single file with the extension. The first time you save your document, you'll be asked to give the project a name and save location. Following this, future saves will overwrite the previous version.

Optionally, you can save a current project as a new project. In this case, the new file will not overwrite the saved version. A document's history can be saved along with the document, so earlier edits can be returned to even if the document is closed and reopened.

To save as a new project: 1. From the File menu, select Save As. Adjust the dialog settings as required. Click Save. If you have only made modifications that are supported by an image file type for example, a JPG or PNG , then using the Save function will simply save over the top of the current file.

If you have made modifications that are not supported, such as adding layers, then you can save the image as a project file click Save As or flatten and merge the changes to the existing file click Save, then Save Flattened in the dialog. To save history with a document: 1. In the Saving With History dialog, click Yes to accept the conditions discussed in the dialog.

Save your document. Saving your document's history with your document may significantly increase the size of your project file.

You can switch off the save history feature by repeating step 1 of the procedure above. Affinity Photo autosaves your document at regular intervals. Developing a raw image using Develop Persona Develop Persona is a dedicated environment used for processing raw images captured using a digital camera.

Working in Develop Persona If a supported raw file format is opened in Affinity Photo, it will automatically display in Develop Persona. You can then process the image using the dedicated adjustments, panels and tools. At any point while working with an image or any selected pixel layer, you can switch to Develop Persona to make use of its unique features. Split view options There are a variety of split view options available in Develop Persona which give you the opportunity of seeing how your processed image compares to the original raw data.

A sliding divider can be repositioned to view the image 'Before' and 'After' processing. Panning and zooming affects both pages simultaneously so the same area is always displayed in both pages.

Rather than comparing the processed image with the original raw data, you can sync the views so 'Before' adopts the current applied adjustments.

The 'After' view continues to update as more adjustments are made. See below for details. Syncing While applying adjustments, you can update the 'Before' and 'After' view to give you a more focused representation of the applied changes. Show Clipping An incorrect level of exposure within an image can lead to pixels 'falling out' of the viewable intensity range. This results in the loss of detail in areas of shadow, highlights, or midtones and is known as clipping.

This can help you identify areas which need correcting as well as preventing overenthusiastic modifications which result in clipping. To work in Develop Persona: 1. Do one of the following: o Open a raw image. Develop Persona will analyze the data and pre-process it, ready for editing. Activate your preferred view mode. Adjust the image using the various panel options and tools. Optional Sync applied settings within the view and repeat the above step. On the context toolbar, select Develop.

The photo or layer will adopt all the settings as displayed in the 'None' or 'After' view. The 'Before' view is for comparison purposes only. When adjusting settings, you can double click each adjustment slider to reset it to its default value. To change initial develop settings: On the Toolbar, do the following: 1. Click the Develop Assistant to open its settings dialog. Choosing RGB 32 bit HDR allows you to maintain a full bit float environment from initial raw development to export and take advantage of extra precision.

The 'Take no action' option makes no tonal correction; the image can be altered within the Basic panel later. Like Histogram stretch, both 'default' and 'initial' give the same results but reports zeroed or actual values, respectively.

The 'Take no action' option ignores the exposure bias value. If you choose not to apply initial develop settings, your images will not undergo any processing. They may look flat, dull in tone and lacking contrast, but you will have absolute control in how the image is processed. This approach is similar to "log" video footage that maintains maximum dynamic range before color grading. Using overlays The Overlay tools can be used in combination with the Overlays panel to allow you to apply standard adjustments to isolated areas of an image.

About overlays Overlays are elements within Develop Persona which are placed on top of an image. Any adjustment applied to an overlay affects the image below. However, overlays can have a varying level of visibility, which varies the impact its adjustments have on the underlying image. Areas of an overlay which are transparent ignore the overlay's adjustments, while opaque areas display the applied adjustments.

Areas of semi-transparency such as those created with the Overlay Gradient Tool will display the adjustments by a varying degree. The adjustments applied to an overlay are determined using the Overlays panel.

Types of overlay There are two types of overlay: Brush and Gradient. Brush overlays can only be edited using the Overlay Paint and Overlay Erase tools. Areas are added to an overlay using the Overlay Paint Tool.

Areas are removed using the Overlay Erase Tool. The Overlay Gradient Tool applies a gradient from transparent to opaque across Gradient overlays only. The painted overlay appears softer and more feathered as the percentage decreases. A Brush overlay is added automatically. A Gradient overlay is added automatically. To apply adjustments to an overlay: 1. On the Overlays panel, select an overlay. From the Basic panel, click an adjustment's checkbox to activate it. Drag the adjustment slider to set the value.

Click Reset to set the adjustments slider s back to default. To remove an overlay: On the Overlays panel: 1. Select an overlay. Click Delete Overlay. Basic Panel Develop Persona only The Basic panel provides standard adjustments which can be applied to an image. The default value is the 'As shot' White balance setting from your camera.

The pop-up menu populates with the preset name on saving. Tones Panel The Tones panel provides adjustments for correcting the tonal and color values of pixels in an image. Details Panel Develop Persona only The Details panel provides adjustments to refine the edges of images and remove or add noise. Can be used in conjunction with the Noise Reduction adjustment.

Lens Panel Develop Persona only The Lens panel provides adjustments which can be used to correct lens distortions which can appear in images. Overlays Panel Develop Persona only The Overlays panel in combination with the Overlay tools allows you to apply standard adjustments to isolated areas of a raw image. About the Overlays panel The Overlays panel allows you to add new blank overlays to your raw image as well as setting the adjustments which are applied to individual overlays.

Focus Panel Develop Persona only The Focus panel reports the camera settings at the point at which the image was captured. You can change the 'size' of an image by scaling or resampling it. These can be undertaken independently or simultaneously. Scaling Scaling will embed a specific print resolution into an image's metadata to force it to print at a specific dpi e. The image's pixel dimensions remain unaffected.

This is known as upsampling. Privacy Policy Guidelines We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings , otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. We're working to answer users as quickly as possible and thank you for your continued patience.

Share More sharing options Followers Reply to this topic Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Blueprint Posted November 3, Posted November 3, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Replies 96 Created 2 yr Last Reply Aug Top Posters In This Topic 2 73 3 2.

Popular Posts Blueprint February 9, Dechen August 17, JustNewbie February 10, Blueprint Posted November 9, Posted November 9, Blueprint Posted April 4. Posted April 4. Hopefully this will help those people and others wanting to do something like this. Posted April 5. Blueprint Like Loading BrianMM Posted April 7. Watch the following video:. Vector design using Photoshop Affinity Designer is an alternative to Illustrator that also uses certain elements from Photoshop.

Compatible with other formats Affinity Designer allows you to import the vast majority of vector and raster files. Advanced export This package can export files in multi-layer, editable formats, like psd and vector-based pdf. The vector pen You have to handle the pen well to make vector lines. Vector shapes are intelligent Every shape has different, editable properties.

Adjust any color, at any time Affinity Designer also makes it easy to edit any color in the image, thanks to its 22 adjustment layers. Then how to Export and Import your newly made Styles. After that I do a basic overview of a couple of video tutorials I have made in the past.

Using the Mirror Filter and the Equation filter to make new images, to then make Styles from. Lastly, another overview of a recent video tutorial, which looks at using the Vector Crop Tool in Affinity Designer to grab sections of an image to then make Styles from. The end of this PDF tutorial has interactive links to all the video tutorials and links to the downloads of all the Styles I have made in these video and written tutorials.

A while ago I made an Affinity Photo video tutorial about making a sketch image just using the Channel Mixer adjustment. They are fairly basic edits and will work best with an image that has a white background.

So, I will use one I got from Pixabay, as are the other images used. Links to the video and image are in the written tutorial. Looking at opening images and saving your edits. Plus, file formats also a look at the Layers Panel and Colour selection. Although tutorial is for Affinity Photo all will work pretty much the same in Affinity Designer. Looking at opening and setting up a new document other than an image. The Brush Tool and changing the Brush Tips. Then looking at the different types of Pixel and Vector layers you can make.

Layer Masks and their use. Plus, a quick look at Text and Shape layers and the Glyph Browser. As with part 1, most if not all of the information in this tutorial will work just as well in Affinity Designer and Publisher as all 3 programs are so similar.

John Rostron 2 posts. Blueprint 73 posts. Nancy 2 posts. February 9, Some menus may have changed or tools lo. August 17, More written Affinity Photo tutorials. Hi, I can see a lot of you sharing your great tutorials in this post, so I thought I would just chip in with the tutorials I have written so far on m. July 23, Are these written tutorials for beginners? I have acquired an Affinity Photo application an hour ago. I am totally novice about this.


The Affinity Designer Manual A Step-by-Step Beginner's Guide -


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